September 2022 Birds and Butterflies

Here are some birds and butterflies I’ve glassed this month. (Bird activity afield is slow, but migration is beginning.) I’ve taken so many of the more common birds around here I probably won’t post many of them. You can check out my galleries and other months to see them. I’m going to try and focus on some of the not so common birds around me. Unless I get totally bored and need something to glass!

In August and September you’ll see a lot of butterflies as the flowers are in full bloom and the butterflies are preparing to migrate to Mexico. So if you like butterflies… And, if you don’t, well, thanks for stopping by anyway.

If you haven’t followed my bird journey the past few years, I’ve taken over 2,700 bird portraits of 100+ species. Many of them in my back yard and all within 15 miles of my home. And, over 95% of them are songbirds/passerines. I do have a few raptors, owls, and shorebirds. But it’s songbirds I really love. (I also have hundreds of butterfly images)

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Blog posts

Bebe’s Birding Guidebook

Bebe's Birding Adventure by Hal Moran, under the pen name Bebe Wanders, is a 219-page PDF guide to birdwatching in the Midwest and Eastern US. It covers 104 unique birds with 1,000 facts, featuring photos and easy navigation. Available via a $5 donation, it aims to enhance your birding experience.

June 2024 Birds and Butterflies

The poster has historically shared thousands of bird photos monthly and houses them in galleries and blog posts. Going forward, they plan to be more selective, focusing on bird migration and summer residents in Missouri. High-resolution images are available for download for a small fee via the contact form.

May 2024 Birds

I have thousands of images of birds native to my area in Missouri. So, I'll probably focus more on migration and summer residents. But, who knows... for now I hope you enjoy the thousands of bird, butterfly, and landscape images I posted.

April 2024 Birds

Hi, there! In the past I’ve posted tons of bird portraits and snapshots each month – but not all I’ve...

March 2024 Birds

March 2024 Birds

I have thousands of images of birds native to my area in Missouri. So, I'll probably focus more on migration and summer residents. But, who knows... for now I hope you enjoy the thousands of bird, butterfly, and landscape images I posted.

February 2024 Birds

Hi, there! In the past I've posted tons of bird portraits and snapshots each month - but not all I've captured. You can check them out in my 5 bird galleries on the menu and my monthly blog posts at the bottom of each page.

Another chapter in the Witness of Creation

I shared on Friday the joy I had with our good friend Jeff Mason, who hosts a podcast. During the podcast Jeff allowed me to share my passion of photography and the Gospel. And, because time is limited on the podcast (along with attention spans!), I wanted to share a bit more encouragement with you.

January 2024 Birds

Well it’s a new year! And with a new year comes a bit of change – at least for my...

Witness creation – Worship the Creator

This morning I had the opportunity to spend several hours out in the field alone witnessing (and photographing) creation while...

December 2023 Birds And…

What better way to usher in December than with Fred and a little snow! A high resolution of this image...

November 2023 Birds And…

If you haven’t followed my bird photography journey the past few years, I’ve taken over 7,000 bird portraits of 100+...

October 2023 Birds And …

If you haven’t followed my bird photography journey the past few years, I’ve taken over 7,000 bird portraits of 100+...

September 2023 Birds, Butterflies, and Whatnot

Okay, it’s been mostly butterflies this month as bird activity has been very sloooow! Now carry on. If you haven’t...

August 2023 Birds, Butterflies, and Whatnot

If you haven’t followed my bird photography journey the past few years, I’ve taken over 6,000 bird portraits of 100+...

July 2023 Birds and Butterflies

If you haven’t followed my bird photography journey the past few years, I’ve taken over 5,000 bird portraits of 100+ species.

June 2023 Birds and Butterflies

Here are some birds I’ve glassed this month. Migration is over and the winter birds have settled in. I have many galleries and posts with thousands of birds to view.